Classroom Information




How to contact Ms. Cooper:

The best way to get a hold of me during 
the day is via e-mail: 
I will do my best to respond to you when I am able.  
If you would like to get a hold of me via phone, you may 
also do so. Please know that I will not be able to 
answer the phone during student contact time.  
If there is an urgent message for me, call the front office 
at 612-706-1261.


If your child will be absent or late, please call the Wilshire Park Attendance Line and leave a message (24 hours/day) 612.706.1204 or e-mail Helen (link sends e-mail) in the School Office.

Transportation:  If your child is delayed coming home on the bus, please call our Bus Company: Metropolitan Transportation Network – 763-571-1541.

School Hours for 2013-14:
Gr. K-5: 9:05-3:35 p.m.

Office Hours:

School Year Office Hours: 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.



Reading nightly and creating daily conversation about the aspects learned in class will occur. Occasional special projects will occur during the year.

Homework Folder:

A RED communication folder will be sent home each night.
Please use this folder for lunch money, notes, 
book orders, etc.  I use the same color for all students 
so that we don’t get confused with all of the other folders 
in our desk. 

Communication Sheet: There will be a daily communication sheet, that should be signed. 

Please write changes to transportation and other important information here. This will help loose notes from being displaced.



Book Orders

 Look for information regarding the order process the return date will be written at the top of your order.

Snack Break:

We have a snack break each morning. Students 
may bring a 
healthy snack each day (crackers, fruit, vegetables, 
yogurt, ect.).  Candy and desserts are not allowed.  Please note 
that we are not able to keep items cold.

Dismissal Procedure

We will use the same dismissal procedure as we did last year.  
Walkers and parent pick-up will be announced after the 2nd bell 
rings.  If you will be picking your child up from the classroom, 
please be prompt and wait in the designated parent pick-up area. 

If there is a permanent change in your child’s transportation, please 
contact the front office and let me know.  If your child is using a different 
transportation plan temporarily, please let me know via 
e-mail or send a handwritten note detailing the changes.


Student of the day:

Each student will be assigned one day of the week to share at snack time. 



I will send a newsletter home by e-mail every Friday.
A paper copy newsletter can be sent home at your request. 
Please do your best to read the newsletters since important information is 
communicated through the newsletter.




This will be an exciting year !