Dear Families,


Welcome to the 2019-2020 school year! I am excited to begin the year with each family and student.


Reading and Language Arts: Students will use the Benchmark balanced literacy series which includes guided and independent learning activities. We will use a guided reading program called: Daily 5. This program includes: work on writing, work with words, reading with technology, read to self and read to someone. Children will have individual goals and meetings to achieve optimal reading growth.  We will also focus on reading strategies in small groups with the teacher. Grammar skills will be taught through “Daily Oral Language”. Second grade students will use 6 +1 Traits of good writing and learn to write work with complete sentences and eventually a two paragraph writing for various genres.


Math: The Harcourt Math Program will enable students to discover a variety of ways to solve problems. Students will learn traditional algorithms, but will also invent their own procedures. Math will be learned through investigation, exploration, problem solving, hands-on activity, and games. The class will engage in mini-lessons and breakout sessions. In addition, instruction will occur in groups of 4-5.  During small groups, the class will complete Daily 5 Math: math to self, math with buddy, math with technology, math with writing and math work for computation retention.

Spelling: Students should practice spelling based on their needs weekly. In class activities will reinforce spelling. The goal is for each student to transfer the correct spelling into their daily writing. Post-test will occur on Fridays, we will not have pre-tests.

Science: Our curriculum has three units: Life Science, Physical Science and Earth Science. Students will use literature and hands-on lessons to acquire science knowledge.

Social Studies: Second grade focuses on the study of communities. Areas covered: how communities grow and change, the economic system, and the role of government. Current events will be discussed weekly with TIME magazine.

Handwriting: Students will continue to develop neat and accurate writing.

Technology/iPad:  The iPad will be used to enhance learning and create more effective and engaging experiences. The iPads individualize instruction and are meant to create experiences that paper can not offer.



Specialist:  Please be sure to bring athletic shoes on PE days. This is a rotating schedule.










10:40-11:05 PE 2

11:05-11:30 PE1







PE 2

11:05-11:30 Media








Lunch/Recess Schedule:

Playground: (12:12-12:35)

Lunch: (12:35-1:00)


Homework: Second-grade does not have formal homework. Students should engage in a regular routine of 20 minutes per day of reading at home. We will work on a skills and reinforcement at the end of the day. Your child may bring the skill sheet home to view and practice at your discretion. This sheet will help inform families on what we are completing in class, it does not need to be sent back to school.

Snack: Please do not send any snacks that contain peanuts or tree nuts, due to classroom allergies. We will have a snack break every day to refuel our brains. Please pack a HEALTHY snack.

Birthday Treats: Birthday treats are no longer allowed per state policy. We will sing a special song for your child and play a short learning game of their choice.

Party Invitations: Please do not send invitations to school unless the entire class is invited.

*Our classroom directory will be handy for sending individual invitations.

Panda of the day:  The children will be assigned a day to share in which, they may speak to their class about their lives during snack time.

Communication: Items that pertain personally to your child should be discussed in private by phone, conference or e-mail. Please recognize; I will make myself available for any conversation that is important to you or your child.

Newsletter: Families and students will receive an e-mail with the newsletter and updates. I will gladly print the newsletter by request. Also please access this information on our website.

Transportation: It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to notify the teacher of changes, please write changes on the daily communication sheet. If an alteration to the schedule occurs during school hours (9:05-3:35) please contact me. Be certain, I reply by 2:30 p.m. If there is no reply: please notify the office of the change at: 612-706-1200.  Identification may be required for changes to the schedule. Please know this firm rule is for your child’s safety.

Thank you in advance for your support this school year.


Amy Cooper

612-706-1261 or